Where do you start? And when should you start?Firstly, you need to focus on the lifestyle you want in retirement and then how you plan on getting there. What if your plan changes?That’s fine. You can make adjustments along the way. In fact, a retirement plan shouldn’t...
The Association of Superannuation Funds Australia(ASFA) publish a report detailing the income required for a Modest and Comfortable lifestyle in retirement. Australia’s full age pension falls well short of these figures and sole reliance on this safety net means you...
It’s rumoured Albert Einstein once referred to compound interest as; ‘The most powerful force in the universe’ Whether you believe this is true or not, one cannot argue that compound interest is a fundamental component of...
Rare, unexpected events – known as Black Swans can have severe consequences in share markets. The chart attached here compares the COVID-19 reaction with other historical events showing their downturn and length of recovery. 4 Important features of our client’s...
A Chief Financial Officer’s (CEO) role has the responsibility of all things, yes, you guessed, related to money! In a company this usually means looking after finances, financial planning, risk management and financial reporting. If you are a small to medium size...